Monday, August 03, 2009

64 Calorie Adult drink ...

I will admit, I think the commercials for that 64 calorie beer are kind of cute. I like the latest where one man orders a 64 calorie MGD and his buddy orders 64 calories of regular beer. The second guy gets his in a pared down beer glass that leaves the perfect resting spot for dude #1 to rest his bottle when his phone rings.

First off, a little disclaimer, I am definately not endorsing drinking and especially not while you are trying to loose weight. However, it is nice to have an option when you are out with the girls/guys. I also beleive that weight loss should not occur through a DIET, but through lifestyle changes that you can stick with after you have achieved your goal. Depriving yourself will only make you feel angry that you are on a diet and eventually you will cheat, probably doing much more damage than the original little treat you avoided in the first place. OK, done with the fine print, here are some tips. I will post some recipes later.

* Substitutions:
Many drink recipes can be lightened up with some easy swaps ...
sugar ......................... Truvia
symple syrup ........... water sweatened with any artificial sweetener
sweet and sour ........ Crystal Light lemonade
cranberry juice ....... Ocean Spray diet cranberry juice
orange juice ............. Crystal Light Sunrise classic orange
grapefruit juice ....... Crystal Light Sunrise ruby red grapefruit

* Additional notes...
~ Choose 'tall' drinks, anything in a taller glass that is one ounce of liquor (80 proof) and the rest filler (provided the filler is easily exchangable for one of my tricks,) will only be approximately 64 calories.
~ This is not applicable for drinks that have cordials (liqueur - any of the sweetened alcohols that are added to some drinks such as triple sec, baileys, creme-de-anything, kahlua, midori, pucker, schnapps, etc.)
~ if you have a favorite recipe that you want to lighten up, feel free to leave a comment and I will see what I can do.

Stay tuned, I will be posting some recipes soon ...

BONUS: Can't wait for my first recipe, here's one that you can order at any restarunt or bar without feeling guilty. Order a Rum and DIET Coke or a Vodka and Club Soda (tonic would add an extra 10 calories if you prefer that) with a twist. Either one will only cost you the 64 calories in an ounce of rum or vodka.

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