Well, It's been an eventful week and a half since my last post. Sunday after my last post the family all headed off to church. We arrived, got Chris off to sunday school and gathered in the espresso cafe to enjoy lattes and donuts. We enjoyed the service and headed back home, with Bri driving and Louis playing the roll of the responsible license holder. We got out of the parking lot and headed home, and Louis started coughing and sneezing. By the time we got home, his eyes were starting to swell. Of course, you know, he is a man, so here's how the conversation went.
Me, "Get back in the car, I have to take you to the ER."
Him, "No, I'll just wash my eyes and wait it out."
Me, "Are you out of your stinkin' mind - get your butt in the car!"
By the time we got to the ER (which, BTW, is in our neighborhood and takes about 2 minutes to get to from our house) his eyes were swollen shut and he was having a hard time breathing. I pulled up to the front door and sent him in while I parked. I run into the building and they already have him in back processing him - there are people in the waiting room bleeding, but for this severe allergic reaction, he came first. At this point he can no longer see, is struggling to breath, and can hardly talk. They shot him up with epinephrine, plus benadryl into an IV they've stuck in his arm, and admitted him to the hospital. When they get him settled in his room he's looking a bit like Mr. Magoo and I tell him how much better he looks (he can now actually open his eyes and see) and he looks in the mirror and finally realizes how serioius this all was - "this is better!?"
Anyway, they release him the next afternoon (Memorial Day monday) after keeping him overnight for observation and give him instructions to follow up with his primary care physician. Friday I'm looking in the calendar while he's off playing golf and don't see that follow up appointment, so I make one for him, and stronglly reprimand him when he gets home.
Oh, and by the way, they don't know what caused the reaction.
The 25th was our granddaughter Laila's 5th birthday, and we had planned a trip to chuck e cheese with her, her 3 year old brother, her 21 month old brother, our son's 4 year old daughter and 18 month old daughter, and our 6 year old Chris. Of course, that was overruled by the trip to the ER, so they all celebrated at home while Louis and I were at the hospital.
What else has kept us busy? Let's see ....
~ our daughter and her 3 kiddo's arrived back from Florida/Texas and have been staying with us
~ school is out so our three minor children are home most of the time
~ I worked for D11 through the school year, so now there are numerous studio and jewelry related tasks that I need to catch up on
~ summer is almost here and there are so many yard/houshold chores that need to be done so that we can enjoy the season